New Therapeutic Foods Effective in Gut Health Restoration in Malnourished Children

By Gift Briton

Since their inception in the late 1990s, ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTFs) have been the go-to option for treating severe malnutrition. RUTFs are nutrient-packed food pastes that require no preparation and are shelf-stable. Their use has averted potentially millions of deaths among severely malnourished children over the past two decades.

Despite their success treating severe malnutrition, traditional RUTFs have limitations. Many children who recover from severe malnutrition using the traditional RUTFs relapse due to repeated infections. This relapse is often caused by a damaged gut microbiome that impairs the absorption of nutrients.

To address this issue, the Gates Foundation and its partners have developed a new type of RUTF designed to nourish beneficial gut microbiomes and support children’s growth. These innovative foods, known as microbiome-directed RUTFs (MD-RUTFs), nourish the gut bacteria children need to grow.

“Early research results are remarkable: MD-RUTFs are proving to be at least as effective as traditional RUTFs at helping kids regain weight and protecting them from relapse. We’re hopeful that this treatment will be game-changing in the fight against severe malnutrition,” the Gates Foundation writes.

Gut health has gained attention in the past decade, driving the development of innovative products designed to improve overall health. The introduction of MD-RUTFs is a groundbreaking step toward transforming global health and combating child malnutrition more effectively.

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