Caroline Karobia , SJN Africa Initiative Manager, Daniel Otunge, and Otula Owour of Science Africa comparing notes during the ongoing capacity building workshop in Nairobi, Kenya Group discussions about Fact-checking and Reliable Sources in Solutions-based Health Journalism. Dr John Masasabi ,making a presentation on Health trends and emerging issues in Kenya during the SoJo & storytelling capacity building for health journalists in Nairobi, Kenya Participants posing for a photo during the SoJo and storytelling capacity building for health journalists in Nairobi, Kenya. Award winning Citizen TV journalist Emily Chebet making her contribution during a health solutions journalism & storytelling capacity building for health journalists in Africa Rongo University and the Africa Health Solutions Journalism Initiative (AHSJI) leaderships, led by the Rongo Univesity Vice-Chancellor Prof. Samuel Gugu (center left), and AHSJI Board Chair, Mr. Peter Owuor Otula (center right) during the official signing ceremony of the Collaborative Agreement between the two organizations at Rongo University in Rongo Town, on Monday, 21st February 2022. The agreement commits the two institutions to work collaboratively towards the introduction of Solutions Journalism (SoJo) into the varsity’s School of Journalism and Communications teaching. This is part of AHSJI’s SoJo Academy Initiative. Other universities in the program include Maseno University, Kibaii University, the University of Rwanda, and Makerere University (Uganda).