Crop Protection Tools Crucial for African Farmers

By Charity Wanja Pests and weeds are Paul Muriuki Mugambi’s biggest headache in is his five hectare piece of land located in Naru Moru , Lakipia County. Mugambi, who has specialized in export food crops such as baby corn and various types of peas is keen on good crop protection for a good harvest. The […]
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Scientists Unearth More Information on the World’s Largest Flying Reptile

By University of California – Berkeley Look around any wetland today and you’re likely to see 3-foot-tall egrets or 4-foot-tall herons wading in the shallows in stealthy search of fish, insects or crustaceans. But 70 million years ago, along the Rio Grande River in Texas, a more impressive and scarier creature stalked the marshes: the […]
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WHO Warns against Blood Plasma Transfusion to Treat COVID-19

By Naomi Kitur and Faith Atieno Convalescent plasma, a transfusion of blood plasma from someone who has recovered from COVID-19, is not recommended for patients with non-severe COVID-19, says World Health Organization (WHO). Despite its prior promise, current evidence shows that it does not improve survival nor reduce the need for mechanical ventilation, and it […]
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